Category Archives: J 202

Announcements for my October 5, 6 and 7 classes

October 5 (Tuesday)

  • J 117 TWX (Online Journalism): No class. Kindly maximize the time finalizing your blog which serves as your final exam. Remember to cross-post all of your published online articles. You should finalize your blog on or before October 12 (Tuesday).

October 6 (Wednesday)

  • J 202 WZZ (Advanced Reporting): This is our last day. We will subject to a workshop the fourth article you submitted last September 29. Your two-page answer to our final examination question is due on October 13 (Wednesday).

October 7 (Thursday)

  • Media 230 HZZ (Media Ethics): No class. Consider this as your research break. Kindly submit your research paper on or before October 14 (Thursday).