Funny signs at a supermarket

It starts with a snicker and ends with a finger.

While there’s nothing ungrammatical about this installment of funny signs, sometimes it makes you wonder what’s on the mind of those who thought about these brand names which my wife and I found while buying food at a popular supermarket.

I can understand that chocolates can be named Kisses or Hugs, as these are marketed as being synonymous with love and care. But don’t you wonder why this is the name of a popular chocolate?


You and I can more or less understand if a brand of chocolate has to do with happiness or togetherness. But I’m sure you know that there is a difference between a smile and a laughter, and a laughter and a snicker. (The latter, just so we’re clear, is a disrespectful laugh.)

Maybe it’s just me, but I won’t give this brand of chocolate to my wife. She might think that I was snickering when I bought it.

This next brand of chocolate is not as disrespectful as it is “demonic.” Okay, maybe it’s just me again.


For some strange reason, the first thing that came to mind after reading the brand name is demonyito (little demon). Did you have this impression?

Since I seldom eat chocolates, you should know that I haven’t tasted it yet. For all we know, there could be something “devilish” or “sinful” in the taste, very much like the Devil’s Food Cake.

Even if this particular health drink has been widely publicized. I still can’t understand why it should be named after a gland secretion. Is there something salty about this drink?


A quick research shows that this is a popular health drink in Japan. According to its official website, it is “a mild tasting, refreshing drink which replenishes body fluids lost through perspiration.” While it’s commendable for the company to make the product available to health conscious Filipinos, shouldn’t we rethink the name? Again, maybe it’s just me, but I don’t like the idea of drinking something that’s named sweat!

For our last funny brand name, let us review the parts of the chicken that we eat. If memory serves, these are mainly the thigh, leg, breast, rib, wing, neck and feet. Is the sign below a case against genetically modified organisms (GMOs)?


From what I know, chickens have wings and feet, not fingers. While the chicken pieces are shaped like (human) fingers, it looks awkward if they were packaged as “chicken fingers.”

In relation to this, you may ask, “Do chickens have nuggets?” Of course, you already know the answer. Thank you for reading!

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