Quoted in MoneySense (May-June 2007)

Cover of MoneySense magazine (retrieved from https://i0.wp.com/moneysense.com.ph/images/stories/issue3_07/mayjunecover_preview.jpg?resize=277%2C360)If you have P120 to spare, I hope you will buy the May-June 2007 issue of MoneySense magazine. That I’m promoting it means only one thing: this is yet another shameless plug!

My two-paragraph interview can be found on page 48 of the magazine. I actually posted it as early as April 26 at the same time that I sent it via email to a MoneySense writer.

You will notice, however, a slight difference in the print version. Whoever edited my reply made a mistake in the use of a preposition, not once but twice. There is no need to write about the details as I’ve already brought this to the attention of the author.

Despite the minor grammatical error, I still find the issue very informative and I will definitely share my complimentary copy with my married friends (financially challenged or otherwise).

This is only the third issue of MoneySense and I hope that there will be more issues in the years to come.