Tag Archives: reunion

Proudly UP Mass Comm (an online campaign)

Are you a blogger? Are you an alumnus or a current student of the University of the Philippines College of Mass Communication (UP CMC)? Do you want a badge in your posts or blog sidebar that states “Proudly UP Mass Comm?” If you answered yes to the three questions, please read on.

A few days before our grand alumni homecoming, this might be a good idea to write about your experience as a UP CMC student (past or present).

Even if we all received the “gift of gab” from our college, here are some guide questions that could get you started about your post:

  • What were you like as a student of UP CMC (e.g., achiever, overachiever, dreamer, life of the party, nerd, geek or a little of everything)? (This could be a personal essay where you would write mostly about yourself.)
  • Who among your UP CMC professors do you remember most and why? (You could present some anecdotes or little-known secrets about what you think are the most popular or most notorious teachers in the college.)
  • Is there a UP CMC graduate who is now a household name who used to be your classmate, seatmate or groupmate? What was he or she like then? (A old photograph of him or her while a student could be quite interesting.)
  • Are you proud of being a graduate of UP CMC? If yes, explain. If no, why? (Answering this question could present an objective assessment of what the college has become through the years.)
  • What does it take to become a student of UP CMC? (Share what you and your friends had to go through just to earn that elusive flat 1.0 in a CMC course, as well as the delicate “balancing act” between academics and extra-curricular activities, legal or otherwise.)

If you want to read a sample personal essay, I’ve written a post titled “Burying the secrets of my UP Mass Comm days.”

You may use any of the badges below (150 x 150 pixels) in your blog. Kate Pedroso (UP CMC Batch 2005) of the Philippine Daily Inquirer designed these badges in just a few hours upon my request.

URL : http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3206/2871036623_8ce21a661f_o.jpg

URL: http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3289/2871868216_4b6bc19233_o.jpg

URL: http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3077/2871036711_6710477647_o.jpg

URL: http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3195/2871036749_df5dd08434_o.jpg

Kindly contact me immediately if you’ve written your post because I will include them in the list below.

Please feel free to pass on this information to your batchmates and other UP CMC alumni and current students. Thank you for reading!

Proudly UP Mass Comm blog entries (list to be updated every now and then):

  1. Buying the secrets of my UP Mass Comm days (Sept. 22) by Danny Arao
  2. 10 Things I Love about UP Maskom (Sept. 23) by Hazel Gulmatico
  3. for maskom (Sept. 24) by Eliza Victoria
  4. Finally, a Maskom post (Sept. 25) by Kate Pedroso
  5. doon po sa Maskom (Sept. 25) by Franco Emman Von Cena
  6. my life as a groupie (Sept. 26) by Jake Soriano
  7. Alaala ng MasKom. (Sept. 26) by Julie Aurelio
  8. Looking Back At My UP CMC Days (Sept. 29) by Peachy Galias