9th Most Popular in Alexa’s `Journalists’ category!

dannyarao.com is 9th most popular in Alexa's Journalists category

I’ve noticed a 40% improvement in the Alexa global traffic rank of dannyarao.com compared to the previous month. From the global traffic rank of 660,773 last October, dannyarao.com‘s global traffic rank as of November 20 is 397,466

However, the Philippine traffic rank of dannyarao.com dropped from 5,354 last October to 6,732 this month, or a 26% decline.

There is still reason to smile nevertheless as dannyarao.com is currently the 9th most popular website in Alexa’s “Journalists” category which has 425 websites. (Finally, I’m in the top 10!)

Analyzing the October and November data from Alexa, some websites of friends and organizations I deal with, as well as one school I attended, had a significant decline in their Alexa global traffic rankings – dlsu.edu.ph dropped by 6%; bulatlat.com, 1%; arkibongbayan.org, 2%; ibon.org, 15%; luisteodoro.com, 25%; and cmfr-phil.org, 18 percent.

On a positive note, I am happy that the following had significant improvements in their Alexa global traffic rankings – upd.edu.ph improved by 51%, pinoyweekly.org, 9%; nujp.org, 9%; and cenpeg.org, 45 percent.

For this particular period, I’ve decided to include other websites and blogs I visit, as well as those listed in the “Journalists” category of my Links page. I should stress that there are some blogs hosted by Blogdrive, Motime and Blogger that are not yet ranked by Alexa as separate subdomains of their respective hosts. (Mong Palatino’s is one of them, even if I know that it’s more widely read than mine.)

As may be gleaned from the data below, you will notice that blogs and websites of progressive organizations and groups have a significant following in cyberspace. I hope that this trend continues so that the new media can be effectively used to disseminate relevant information.

Do you have any interpretation of the data? If yes, please do not hesitate to leave a comment. Thank you for reading.


9 thoughts on “9th Most Popular in Alexa’s `Journalists’ category!”

  1. i wouldn’t trust alexa so much. i don’t even personally know of anybody who has “willingly” installed the alexa toolbar (which it uses to come up with these stats data) on their browser. unless it changes the way it comes up with its data (which the last i looked it hasn’t), alexa won’t be anywhere near reliable.

    in the end, what matters would still be the actual number of daily visitors, page views, and feed/email subscribers, plus technorati thingies like authority number, backlinks, and the number of those who favorited you. there’s a really reliable way to gauge the blog’s overall worth using the combo of alexa, technorati, and one other measure i just forget at the moment, but unfortunately, i no longer have the link. but if you can, it would be cool if you’d post data from other aspects and not alexa.

  2. Congratulations on your Alexa Ranking! On the other hand, I learned that Alexa Rankings are not that reliable from problogging sites. Alexa ranks can be easily altered (See John Chow’s blog).

    Reply: I agree that Alexa can be very unreliable and is prone to manipulation. Right now, I use it due to the lack of an alternative. Perhaps JB is right in saying that the way to assess a website’s popularity is a combination of variables like Alexa and Technorati rank, not to mention PageRank. Cheers!

  3. lol. you ask for comments and you reject those that are “honest and frank”? like the one i left yesterday about alexa rankings as notoriously unreliable and are just a crock of shit. i wasn’t even heckling you; it was just one blogger’s helpful, technically enlightened comment to another, and not some kiss-ass “wow, those stats are awesome!”

    man, i’m not a nice, good, scott-free person myself, but at least i never suppress comments that dis me. especially the “frank and honest” ones.

    danny, of course you may delete this comment but you know somewhere in this country somebody’s calling your BS (that would be me and the hordes who worship on the altar of the Church of Skirmisher). that will haunt you and shall affect whatever stuff you write from here on. LOLz!

    Reply: Please understand that I moderate comments to check against spam. Online users like you who post for the first time will have to be approved first; rest assured that the succeeding ones will not be moderated, as was the case of dYu and Schumey. I hope this sets the record straight. I don’t censor negative comments. In any case, I don’t take offense with what you wrote, and will, in fact, keep in mind your analysis in future analyses of traffic rankings of selected websites. I wish you all the best.

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